Academic Integrity in the Digital Age

When to cite exercise Pre-Test Here are some actions that you might do when writing a piece of work. Tick Yes or No depending on whether or not you would need to provide a reference. Yes No Copy text from another source X Include a table of data or a diagram from another source X Mention a fact which is commonly known X Discuss the ideas or research of another person in your own words X Write about something you know you’ve read about somewhere but you can’t remember where X Write about your own opinions on a topic X Paraphrase the ideas from two separate sources linking them together using your own words X Present the results of your own experiment or survey X Include comments from an interview with your friend X Include several paragraphs from a paper that you submitted for another course last year X With the exception of the last two questions, this quiz was created by Cardiff University Library Services. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.