OCTOBER 2016 | The Surgical Technologist | 451 Robotic Sigmoid Colectomy with NOSE L E A R N I N G O B J E C T I V E S s Learn about a robotic sigmoid colectomy with natural orifice specimen extraction s Compare and contrast a traditional sigmoid colectomy with a robotic procedure s Review the affected anatomy related to this operation s Recall the necessary trocar placement and docking required during a robotic sigmoid colectomy s Examine the required equipment and instrumentation needed for this procedure A traditional sigmoid colectomy is performed in an open fashion, which leaves the patient with a large midline laparotomy incision and a longer recovery time. An elec- tive sigmoid colectomy utilizes the surgical robot, which allows for retrieval of the specimen through a natural opening of the body, thus resulting in four small incisions and a greatly reduced hos- pital stay. Although it is a relatively new method in the United States, this procedure offers a viable way of eliminating diverticular disease without the pain of a large incision. This article will explore a robotic sigmoid colectomy with natural orifice specimen extraction. A N A T O M Y The sigmoid colon is a terminal section of the large intestine that con- nects the descending colon to the rectum. Its main function is to store fecal material until it’s ready for disposal. The sigmoid colon gets its Je s se M Cheney, cst, csfa Modern advances in medical treatment and procedures coupled with technological gains have allowed surgeons to offer new ways of treating diseases. The introduction of the robotic surgical plat- form has had a profound impact on such treatment, allowing sur- geons to performmore challenging tasks while keeping the proce- dure minimally invasive.