DECEMBER 2016 | The Surgical Technologist | 543 The Surgical Legacy of WorldWar II L E A R N I N G O B J E C T I V E S s Review the medical advancements that were made as a result of the Pearl Harbor attack s Explore how WWII impacted the surgical profession s Recall how the role of the surgical technologist became to be s Discuss how the MASH unit was created s Learn about the logistic complications that confronted medical personnel during the wars T his series of articles will provide an overview of the key surgical developments of World War II. The story begins with the tactical and medical planning and build-up prior to America’s formal entry into the war following the attack on Pearl Harbor. Despite the political necessity of maintaining a con- gressional-led national policy of neutrality, President Franklin D Roo- sevelt and his cabinet quietly, but unswervingly, worked to prepare the nation for war. While much has been made of the nation’s industrial base shifting into the manufacture of weapons and vehicles, little is commonly known about the preparations for the massive number of expected casualties. Dolore s Goyette , cst, dc Part 1: Pearl Harbor, Preparation and Portability A U T H O R ’ S N O T E : As our nation remembers the 75th anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on Decem- ber 7, 1941–“adaywhichwill live in infamy”–we shouldacknowledge the contributions of theout- standingWorldWar II medical personnel, whose incredible vision, intensive planning and heroic efforts gave thewounded an extraordinary chance of survival. Among themare distinguishedmili- tarysurgeons,whoseexperiences inspired themto invent and implementmethodsand instruments we know the names of because they are used every day in modern ORs. Yet, there are countless names not mentioned here –men andwomen of all races, ranks and occupations, whose contribu- tions are no less important to the effort tomitigate human suffering, andwho are profoundlywor- thy of being remembered.Why shouldwe, as working CSTs care about this increasingly distant his- tory? Because, the surgical technology profession can trace its inception to this period in American history–as themilitaryplanned for, and thenentered– the first trulyglobal conflict.