APRIL 2017 | The Surgical Technologist | 161 Using Open Partial Nephrectomy as an Effective Nephron-sparing Surgical Treatment in Renal Cell Carcinoma L E A R N I N G O B J E C T I V E S s List the anatomy associated with an open partial nephrectomy s Learn about the treatment options for patients diagnosed with renal cell carcinoma s Examine the role the surgical technologist plays during this procedure s Recall the stats associated with RCC s Review the procedural steps associated with this surgery R isk factors may include: gender (found to be twice as common in men as it is possible that more men are likely to be smokers and possible greater chance of being exposed in the workplace to cancer-causing chemicals), race (African Americans and American Indians/Alaskan Natives are at higher risk than Caucasians), smoking (both passive and active), obesity, overuse of NSAIDS, exposure to workplace chemicals (metals such as cadmium, herbicides and organic solvents, especially trichloro- ethylene), horseshoe kidney (kidney joined by fibrous band), hereditary especially in siblings with famil- ial history of kidney cancer, hypertension, certain medications such as diuretics and Phenacetin (not used in the US for more than 20 years), having advanced kidney disease or polycystic kidney disease that may compromise function and certain genetic factors such as having Von Hippel-Lindau disease (changes on VHL gene). Hereditary papillary RCC (changes on MET gene), hereditary leiomyoma RCC (changes on FH gene), Birt-Hogg-Dube (BHD) syndrome (changes on FLCN gene), Familial RCC (defects on SDHB and SDHD genes), and hereditary renal oncocytoma are other risk factors. 4, 17 S I G N S A N D S Y M P T O M S In early stages, there may be no appearance of symptoms. As the tumor progresses, the possible symptoms may include hematuria, back or flank pain, palpable abdominal mass, unexplained weight loss and/or anemia. 13 Susan Begnal , cst, rn, bsn According to the American Cancer Society, renal cell carcino- ma (RCC), an adenocarcinoma affecting the renal tubules, is the highest source of kidney cancers, affecting roughly one in 63 of the population. It is foundmost often inmen aged 50 to 70.