407 - Traumatic Brain Injuries

NOVEMBER 2017 | The Surgical Technologist | 497 Traumatic BrainInjuries L E A R N I N G O B J E C T I V E S s Review the anatomy that is affected by traumatic brain injuries s Explain what diffuse axonal injury is and what causes it s Recall the symptoms and complications that TBI patients may deal with following their injury s Read about what it’s like to be a TBI survivor s Learn how TBI impacts patients potentially for their entire life Wayne O’Donal , cst I t is important that all OR team members know their jobs well, but they also must learn to interact and work together to best utilize their skills for a successful, infection-free outcome. The student must also realize that every member of the surgical team is different and distinct from any other member. Although all members have been trained, all of them have their own personalities and histories. Sometimes individuals join the OR team with learning difficulties such as dyslexia or with a handicap such as colorblindness. Some may have personality disorders such as attention deficit or obsessive/compulsive disorders. There are also Certified Surgical Technologists who also are sur- vivors of traumatic brain injury (TBI). Every year, more than 1.7 mil- lion adults and children in the United States sustain a traumatic brain injury. 1 Currently, more than 3.1 million Americans live, work, learn Surgical technology students are introduced to one of the most basic tenets of the operating room early in the first weeks of their training: every person in the room is a highly trained and valuable member of the surgical team. That team includes non-sterile members such as the anesthesia provider and the circulating nurse. It also includes sterile members such as the surgeon, the surgical assistant and the surgical technologist. “Perioperative patient care is delivered by a team; numerous categories of personnel assist in various direct and indirect patient care activities.” 1