420 - Anatomical Versus Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty

AnatomicalVersus ReverseShoulderArthroplasty Michael Hi ll , cst L E A R N I N G O B J E C T I V E S s Review the anatomy of the shoulder s Recall the procedural steps for these procedures s Examine the differences between an anatomical and reverse shoulder arthroplasty s List the equipment and instruments needed for both surgeries s Analyze how the role of the surgical technologist changes between the two procedures T he scapula is a large, flat triangular bone with three processes called the acromion, spine and coracoid process. It forms the posterior portion of the shoulder region. The spine (located at the back of the scapula) turns into the acromion as it forms a curve that runs laterally toward the humerus then anteriorly so that it connects with the clavicle. This can be easily palpated on a patient. The flat shape of the scapula allows it to glide along the back of the chest, allowing for extended movement of the arm. The coracoid process is a curved bony prominence that projects anteriorly from the scapula and is an attach- ment point for ligaments and muscles. The scapula also has a shallow cavity, called the glenoid, which articulates with the humeral head and comprises the joint associated with shoulder replacements. The clavicle is the only bony attachment between the trunk of the body and the arm. It forms the anterior portion of the shoulder region. Knowing anatomy is critical to being a successful CST. The more a surgical technologist understands about the area of the body involved, the better they will be able to scrub a case. This is true even if they don’t have much experience in a particular procedure. The shoulder has a very complex anat- omy. In order to better understand a shoulder replacement procedure, it’s important to develop a greater comprehension of the anatomy of the shoul- der. There are three bones of the shoulder joint: the humerus (upper arm bone), clavicle (collar bone) and scapula (shoulder blade). DECEMBER 2018 | The Surgical Technologist | 547