#439 - Stapedectomy with Fascia Graft

Stapedectomy with Fascia Graft Joanne Gallogly, cst L E A R N I N G O B J E C T I V E S s Review the anatomy of the ear s Describe how otosclerosis affects the stapes s Explain how a diagnosis of the disease is confirmed s Study the procedural steps used in a stapedectomy s List prosthetics that may be used during a stapedotomy T he middle ear houses several structures. The tympanic mem- brane (eardrum), three tiny bones referred to as the auditory ossicles, and two thin membrane-covered openings called the oval window and the round window. Located medially on the auditory meatus, the tympanic membrane separates the external and middle ear and vibrates when hearing. The tympanic cavity houses the auditory ossicles and is situated between the medial part of the eardrum and the bony wall of the inner ear, where the membrane-covered opening of the oval window and round window are located. The three auditory ossicles are known as the malleus, incus, and sta- pes. The incus is shaped like an anvil and is the largest ossicle. It articu- lates with the hammer-shaped malleus head in the epitympanum, also known as the “attic.” The incus is the most superior portion of the tym- panic cavity and is a movable joint. The stapes is the smallest ossicle, The ear is an intricate anatomy made of three sections each responsible for an essential role in hear ing. The external ear refers to two structures: the aur icle (pinna) and the external auditory meatus. The auricle is composed of flexible cartilage enclosed with skin. The external auditory meatus is slightly curved and contains sebaceous and ceruminous glands that secrete sweat and cerumin, or “ear wax.” JULY 2020 | The Surgical Technologist | 303