SI Joint Dysfunction W. Carlton Reckl ing, MD; David W. Jul ian L E A R N I N G O B J E C T I V E S s Study the sacroiliac joint and its causes of pain s Discuss the history of procedures for treating the SI joint s Compare and contrast open SI joint fusion approaches s Evaluate the products utilized to make SI joint fusion a success s Review the minimally invasive surgical (MIS) techniques for treating SI pain M any sufferers of SI joint dysfunction have lived with chronic pain, or worse, endure procedures or surgeries including lumbar fusions that weren’t necessary. Treating the incorrect diagnosis is costly and can leave the patient in worse shape. Awareness and understanding of the SI joint as a pain generator are improving, however. Innovative minimally invasive surgical techniques are reducing operative morbidity and speeding patient recovery. Finally, advanced implant technology like interference fit, 3-D printed trian- gular titanium implants, has revolutionized SI joint fusion resulting in improved patient outcomes. WHAT IS THE SACROILIAC JOINT AND WHY DOES IT HURT ? Pain emanating from the SI joint was described by Hippocrates in ancient Greece. The SI joints (left and right) are part of the bony pelvic HowNewMinimally Invasive Surgery Techniques and Triangular Titanium Implants Are Addressing an Unmet Need New surgical techniques and implant technology have increased the awareness of the unmet needs of patients suffering from sacroiliac (SI) joint dysfunction. The SI joint has historical- ly been ignored as a pain generator or inappropriately grouped with other sources of lower back or pelvis pain. AUGUST 2020 | The Surgical Technologist | 351