Those individuals seeking an officer position must comply with the following requirements:
Article IX. Board of Directors
Section 2. Eligibility of Directors
A. A candidate for the Board of Directors shall have been an active member for three years immediately preceding nomination and, if elected shall maintain that active status.
B. A candidate for the Board of Directors shall have served at least one complete term on a national committee, whether standing or special (ad hoc), the NBSTSA, the ARC/STSA or a complete
two-year term as a director in a state assembly within the last eight years.
For the purposes of determining eligibility to run for the Board of Directors, candidates must have served at least one
complete two year term in one of these capacities as defined in bylaws. One full term on an (1) AST national committee equals
two years; (2) NBSTSA Board of Directors, equals two years; (3) ARC/STSA Board of Directors equals two years; or a
complete two-year term as a director in a state assembly within the last eight years. Portions of various terms may not be
counted cumulatively (i.e., one year here, six months there, etc.).
I previously served at least one full term as defined in at least one of the capacities outlined above (specify) from
(month, day, year) to
(month, day, year).
Your most recent position will suffice for eligibility purposes but if in doubt specify other qualifying positions and dates.