Writing a CE article
What is the first step when writing a CE article for The Surgical Technologist?
Please email the Publications Department with your proposed topic and a detailed outline explaining what your article will cover including the surgical technologist's role in the procedure. AST's editor and medical reviewer(s) will review your article for the necessary information and reply with any suggestions and/or additions to be included in your article. Once you're outline has been approved, you are free to submit your manuscript.
How do I know if my topic will be selected?
AST's publications department chooses article topics that haven't been covered in the past two years of publication in order to provide new and improved procedures and relevant surgical topics to our members. If you have a question about a specific topic, please email the Publications Department.
How long should the article be?
2,000-5,000 words
Will I earn CE credits for writing a CE article?
You will earn CE credits for a published CE article. Credit amounts vary depending on length.
Do I need to include citations throughout the article?
Yes. Citations need to be noted throughout the article and correspond with the included reference list. For questions regarding style of citations and/or reference, email the publishing department.
What else needs to be included when I submit my manuscript?
Please include an author's bio, an author's photo (preferably a jpg or png as a separate attachment), list of references, and any artwork or imagery you think might help with illustrating the article. All authors must gain permission from original source to use other's artwork.
How should I submit my manuscript?
Please submit your manuscript by email to the Publications Department. You will receive confirmation via email that your manuscript has been received.
Writing for Instructors News and ASTSA News
We accept a variety of articles for both publications. Email the Publications Department to confirm your topic.