Organization is essential when developing a
successful program plan.
Where to Begin
The Checklist for a Successful Meeting can be used to plan an
annual business meeting with board of directors and delegate elections or a
workshop alone event.
For speakers, always have a backup plan. Things happen, so have someone like a CST or CSFA on
standby to speak if you have a no-show. This will ensure members receive the CE credits that were advertised.
When planning your next
business meeting or workshop, if you have questions or need some guidance,
please reach out to your State Assembly Leadership Committee representative. They are there to help. Find your state's representative at
Connect With Your State Assembly.
Planning the Educational Program
assemblies who sponsor a program are required to complete the program approval
process for participants to receive AST-approved CE credits.
The following is due at least 30 days prior to your program, for CE Credit
approval. Earlier submission for approval the better; advantageous in attendance for meeting a quorum to hold elections.
1) AST State Assembly - A2 Continuing Education Program Application
2) AST State Assembly - A3 Participant Program Evaluation Form
3) Agenda - for each
education session must list:
- The start and end time
- Topic
- Speaker name with credentials
- When holding elections include: Business Session I; Candidate Introductions; Voting; Business
Session II;
Election Announcements & Oath of Office
Brochure or Flyer
Three (3) Program Learning Objectives – may be included on the agenda or brochure/flyer
Program Learning Objectives
- A minimum of three (3)
learning objectives must be developed. The learning objectives must be
published in any hard copy or electronic advertisement of the CE program, including the program brochure/program agenda.
- The State Assembly
must provide evidence of the methods used to assess the achievement of the
learning objectives by the CST and CSFA.
Continuing Education Credits
CE activities in which CE
credits are earned must be relevant to the medical-surgical practice of
surgical technology or surgical first assisting.
As stated in the AST
CE Policies, one CE credit equals 50–60 minutes of
activity, such as when attending a lecture. However, partial CE credits
are accepted by AST. The CE activity must be a minimum of 30 minutes or
0.5 CE credits, and the CE credits are determined in 15-minute increments past
the required 30 minutes. Two examples: 1) A lecture lasts for 45 minutes;
therefore, the number of CE credits that would be awarded is .75 CE credits; 2)
A lecture lasts 1 hour and 10 minutes will be awarded 1.25 CE credits (the
partial CE credit is rounded up or down to the nearest 15 minute
- When determining the
total number of CE credits for a meeting, only the lectures that are scheduled
in the program agenda are to receive CE credit. The business meeting(s)
conducted by the State Assembly are not eligible to for CE
credits. As stated in the CE policies: “CE is formal and structured learning to
enhance the competency of the CST and CSFA in order to foster the development
of the surgical technology and surgical first assisting professions.” The
business meeting portion of a State Assembly program is not considered
continuing education in which “formal and structured learning” is taking place;
therefore, CE credits are not to be assigned.