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AST will be closed Tuesday, July 30, for staff development. We will resume normal business hours Wednesday, July 31.

  • Delegate Responsibilities

    What is a delegate? Delegates are individuals elected by the general membership to represent their state at the AST National Surgical Technology Conference. 

  • Delegate Representation Requirements

    State Assembly Bylaws

    Section 4. Delegate Representation to the AST Annual National Conference
         A.  The state assembly shall be entitled to six (6) delegates and up to six (6) alternates, provided the assembly is in good standing as defined in the AST Policy Manual.
         B.  Delegates and alternates shall be active members elected by the state assembly at the annual business meeting for a term of one-year or until their successors are elected.
         C.  The election of all six delegates and up to six alternates shall be by plurality vote.
         D.  The names shall be submitted to national headquarters within five (5) business days of the state assembly annual business meeting.


    • Delegate and alternate eligibility is an active member of AST.
    • An individual must be current with certification through the National Board of Surgical Technology & Surgical Assisting (NBSTSA) as a Certified Surgical Technologist (CST). A CSFA only (not a CST) and Pre77’s without currency are not eligible.
    • The individual must be current in their AST membership at the time of the conference. Keep in mind, your membership status may lapse between the time you are elected as a delegate or alternate and the AST Annual Conference.
    • All delegate and alternates must be a full registrant for the AST National Annual Conference.
    • Interested candidates submit the paperwork required by your state assembly to your state not AST. 


    • Sixty (60) days written notice must be given to the entire State Assembly membership of the time and place of elections.
    • No elections can be held within a month of the AST National Conference. 
    • A quorum must be met to conduct elections.
    • Delegate elections must be held at the annual business meeting in a separate written ballot from the Board of Directors elections. Delegate elections cannot be held at a workshop only event.
    • Vote by ballot in person is valid. Other forms, such as the raising of hands, volunteers, by email or phone are void.
    • The membership elects the alternates at the same time as the delegates.
    • Members of the Board cannot be delegates or alternates if not elected by the membership.
    • The president or any other board member cannot appoint delegates or alternates.

    What is the role of a delegate or alternate?
    The primary responsibility is to attend the Opening Ceremony; AST Business Session 1; AST Candidates Forum; AST Voting (delegates only); and AST Business Session 2. 

    During the national conference, the only time a President or Chair can move an alternate to a delegate:

    • When a delegate does not attend the conference and the state general membership has previously elected an alternate and in conference attendance.
    • When a State Assembly President or Chair finds a delegate is not following their state assembly policies.