I receive a message stating "Unable to login as user %UserName. %UserName does not exist in our system." I receive a message stating "Unable to login as user %UserName. The User ID or Password is invalid." I receive a message stating "Unable to login as user %UserName. Your account is not set up for the web. Please contact AST to set up your account for the web. I log in, but I keep getting the log in page with no error."
I receive a message stating "Unable to login as user %UserName. %UserName does not exist in our system. What does this mean?
Answer: This means the user name was not found in our system. Your user name should be your full email address.
How do I resolve this?
Answer: Your user name should be your full email address. If you are unsure about what email we have on file with AST, you can use the "Forgot your user name?" link on the log in page to find it.
If you have never given us an email address, please contact us and we will be glad to set your account. You can email AST member services as [email protected] to set up your account. When requesting, please provide your full name, your AST membership number (this is not your NBSTSA certification number) and the email address you would like to have setup.
I receive a message stating "Unable to login as user %UserName. The User ID or Password is invalid." What does this mean?
Answer: This means the user name was not found in our system. Your user name should be your full email address.
How do I resolve this?
Answer: Your user name should be your full email address. If you are unsure about what email we have on file with AST, you can use the "Forgot your user name?" link on the log in page to find it.
If you have never given us an email address, please contact us and we will be glad to set your account. You can email AST member services as [email protected] to set up your account. When requesting, please provide the your full name, your AST membership number (this is not your NBSTSA certification number) and the email address you would like to have setup.
I receive a message stating "Unable to login as user %UserName. Your account is not set up for the web. Please contact AST to set up your account for the web." What does this mean?
Answer: This means we found your record, but your web access has not been set up.
How do I resolve this?
Answer: Please contact AST to set up your account for web access. You can email AST member services as [email protected] to set up your account. When requesting, please provide your full name, your AST membership number (this is not your NBSTSA certification number) and the email address you would like to have setup.
Once you have received your user name which should be your full email address and temporary password, you can change your password by clicking on the "Update your Personal Information" link on the members only page.
I log in, but I keep getting the log in page with no error." What does this mean?
Answer: There is a problem on your computer accepting cookies from our web site.
What is a cookie?
Answer: Cookies are tiny files that a web server will send to your computer to keep track of you while you go from web page to web page. In our case, we use them to authenticate you to our site.
Are cookies dangerous?
Answer: There are cookies out there that track more than authentication. They sometimes track what other web site you visit, and your web site preferences. We at AST only use cookies for authentication purposes. If there is a concern about privacy, most anti-spyware programs can remove those cookies that track other web sites for you.
How do I resolve this?
Answer: There can be a lot of different reasons why your computer may not be accepting cookies from our web servers, and unfortunately, we do not have all the answers.
Usually, the problem is one of three different problems. First being the date, time and time zone being incorrect on your computer. Second if you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer, you might have a corrupt master cookie file. Third your web browser has its privacy setting set to high, you have ast.org domain in your block cookie list.
Please check to see if you have any of those problems.
How do I check the date, time, and time zone on my computer?
Answer: The following instructions are for Microsoft Windows Users. We do not have any other instructions for other users. If your clock is a few minutes off, then it is OK.
For Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, and Windows XP computers:
- Locate the time on your task bar (most of the time, it is in the lower right hand corner). Double left click on the time. This should bring up the "Date and Time Properties Box."
- Make any necessary corrections to the time and date.
- Click on the "Time Zone" tab at the top of the "Date and Time Properties Box."
- Make any necessary corrections to the time zone.
- If you made any changes, left click the "Apply" Button and then the left click the "OK" Button.
For Windows Vista computers
- Locate the time on your task bar (most of the time, it is in the lower right hand corner). Double left click on the time. This should bring a small calendar and clock."
- Click on the "Change date and time settings..." link at the bottom of the small calendar and clock box
- If you see a problem with the date or time, left click the "Change date and time..." button. Then make the adjustments as necessary and click on the left click "OK" button.
- If you see a problem with the time zone, left click the "Change time zone..." button. Then make the adjustments as necessary and click on the left click "OK" button.
- Left click the "OK" Button.
How do I fix a corrupt cookie issue
Answer: This problem only affect users of Microsoft Internet Explorer on Windows machines.
To fix this problem, you will need to install and run a program such as CCleaner (AKA as Crap Cleaner) to fix the problem.
Please note that if this is your company computer, please make sure the installation of this program does not violate your company policies.
What CCleaner will do is delete all of your internet files, any temporary files and will delete the master cookie file. It will require a reboot in order to complete its work.
How do I fix my Privacy settings?
Answer: This is only for internet explorer.
For Internet Explorer 6
Please see Microsoft's knowledge base article 283185 (How to Manage Cookies in Internet Explorer 6).
For Internet Explorer 7
Please see Microsoft's knowledge base article 923737 (How to use Reset Internet Explorer Settings (RIES)).
If none of these steps work, you can try a different web browser such as Mozilla Firefox or a different computer.
Please note that if this is your company computer, please make sure the installation of any programs does not violate your company policies.